Thursday, September 15, 2011

Amazingly... I survived!!!

So the last time I posted I was about to embark on an adventure that was completely uncharted territory and its safe to say... I survived!! And I actually had some fun. We left on Saturday afternoon and met a friend at  camp.... of course it was time for the usual camping time activities or rather the only real one--- a fire!!! Accompanied by a few adult beverages it was quite the cozy setting, until it started to rain. But have no fear there was no need for technology... we simply moved inside and had some of the most insane conversation that I have had in a while. My boyfriend, his best friend, and I discussed everything from relationships, to the distribution of wealth in our society, to (I couldn't make this up) technology. We talked about how far and dependent we have become on things like smart phones, and why if we have the most surreal handheld devices -- have we never gone back to the moon? My boyfriend and his friend are big believers in the theory that we have never actually made it to the moon, and I must say after this particular conversation ( and maybe a few more adult beverages) I started to agree. We discussed how the concept version of the iPhone 5 seen here, can do thing holographically, yet we have had not really made manned missions to space for years??? That somehow lead to the theories of Mayans and Aliens-- How did they build such precise and mathematically genius buildings with out machines? Needless to say Day one went smooth and was full of very interesting topics. On to Day 2, with good conversations, great friends, a happy 5 year old, a dog and family breakfast, I can honestly say the only thing that bothered me about not having a media, was my phone for the time. Somehow I became very in tune with time and nature and was always accurate with in half an hour!! On Day 2 we got to really enjoy the good weather, we went hiking, and swimming, of course that had to be followed by another fire! With so much going on, all while nothing was really going on, the last thing on my mind was any form of media.... okay so I did slip up I had to put a movie on for my daughter to go to bed, I was only around the taboo contraband long enough to press play! All and all my 48 hours was rather smooth, and surprisingly extremely relaxing... there was something comforting about having no contact with outside world, all you had was the moment you were in, and the serenity that surrounded you. Looking back I would of loved to used my slip up on a camera, I would have loved to share the view with you!!! It is truly amazing and peaceful.  I never thought I would say this but... I am so glad I choose to actually participate in this assignment rather than lie my way through!!! Thanks COMM 180 for the mini vaca.... Till next time ...

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that black people went camping. I am going to stick with that theory also. Congrats on your weekend of techno freeness. Is freeness even a word? LOL
