Friday, September 2, 2011

No status updates, I may just die!

This week we discussed the evolution of technology, from crude devices to the modern marvels we know today, from analog to digital. That all fresh in mind, I am preparing to complete my dreaded technology assignment....I am one of the masses who hyperventilates when I do not have my cell phone by my side, when my modem/ macbook decide to go on the fritz, my temper soon follows, and to drive without music?-- I may as well be in a horse and buggy!!! So off of the advice of my professor, and my strive for perfection I am going to try to be his second student ever to complete this assignment by going camping!! Yes, I too camp! I think this is the only humanly possible way to complete this assignment without cheating, otherwise I would have to lie my lil behind off to come up with a journal and realistic answers. So since I believe in higher powers and would like to see heaven, I will be off to camp on Saturday night, we are staying until Monday so that should suffice as my 48 hours of hell and may actually be kind of fun!
This whole mess got me thinking as to why my boyfriend and his friend seem to have no troubles being away from all of the things I rely so heavily on; they hate answering their cell phone, the internet and ESPECIALLY Facebook bothers them to no end, and I may have found an answer to my questions in this article that made my day because it combined BOTH my major and minor, communications and sociology. This article takes a stab at explaining why females seem to me so much more into social media than male, and I have to say it makes alot of sense! I also enjoyed the predications of the sexes as we move on to the future. Anywho it's a good quick read that seemed to be fitting as I near my techno-free hours this weekend. Check back next week to see if I survived! -- Tootles ME!

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