Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Film Industry....

Guest speakers in class.... the concept sounds intriguing... however to be quite frank sometimes this idea is an epic fail!!! Many times as soon as it is announced that there is a guest speaker, the immediate following reaction is for half of the class room to leave. I would have to lie if I said I haven't been guilty of being one of the followers in this movement. This was not the case on Thursday however, I was actually interested in our guest speaker! Not because I have a desire to enter the film industry, but because I like learning more about how it all operates. I am actually an avid movie goer and found his information super interesting. I was in fact pretty surprised to learn that Americans do not make up most of the revenue for films. I thought for sure that it was an Americanized type of tradition like baseball that we owned... so I was shocked to learn that is not the case and that the growing market was really across the seas. Who knew!!! As an example of this phenomenon I found this article 'Real Steel' tops overseas box office" and although this movie did OK in the US, the over seas box office sales accounted for an insane 41% of the total revenue!!! That's almost half!  So it is definitely safe to say that we do not attend as many movies as our friends globally.... maybe we can blame it on the recession... Till Next Time...

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